English Language Training Programs

Training is now recognized as one of the most effective investments for the future. ResModTec have a variety of courses to provide the right skills to add value to both an individual’s career development and a company. This document explains the objectives, techniques and philosophy of our English Language Training (ELT) Program.

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  • Our Language Intensive Program is designed to help students build or significantly improve their English skills in the shortest time possible. As it is balanced across the key components of language learning, speaking, reading, writing, grammar and listening, it ensures that students are able to communicate effectively.
  • All the courses we offer to the participants focus on improving their confidence and fluency by giving them plenty of opportunity to practice. Practical exercises are used as much as possible, together with a variety of course materials developed by world-wide experts. Our practical, hands-on approach helps participants to use the language from the very first day.
  • We believe that learning is better and more effective when lessons are fun, interesting, interactive and challenging. We have courses to suit all levels from elementary through to advanced.
  • Our instructors have vast experience in teaching English as a second language (ESL) at several countries all over the six continents including South America, North Africa, West and East Europe, South and West Africa, Far East and Middle East. Some of them have been teaching ESL in Iraq for the last three years.
  • Some of our instructors are bilingual (English and Arabic) which would be more useful especially for the beginner students who might need assistance in the early phase of this program.
  • Almost all instructors have taught in the Middle East and are familiar with the culture, meaning that they know how to deal with such students.
  • Our learning environment encourages beginners to use a wide variety of learning materials to make it as interesting as possible for them. All courses are limited to a maximum of 20 students per class and are lead by experienced teachers, which allows for a greater chance for them to practice what they are learning.
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