Oil and gas of Turkmenistan-2019
The 24th International exhibition and conference "Oil and gas of Turkmenistan-2019" (OGT 2019), organized by the state concern "Turkmenneft" in partnership with the company "Turkmen Forum", opened today in Ashgabat, in the exhibition center of the TPPT. The representative of Gulf Reservoir Modeling Technology (ResModTec) Hussain Salah gave an interview to the special correspondent of Turkmenportal an interview.
- Can you briefly tell about your company?
- We do three different things; the first one is training for technical and non-technical. For technical it's upstream and downstream and for non-technical we do HWS IT and English, also we do drilling certification for IWC, IBC and we do consult and reporting, for requirements, we get orders and also report ourselves. We also partnered with Olan, we also do training here for all levels and this is the opening for Turkmenistan and hopefully, we can do another business in Turkmenistan our own.
- What are your expectations after this exhibition?
- We are planning on opening another branch here, we see a very big opportunity here for Turkmenistan – it’s very good. Hopefully with the partner like “Orlan”, then we can reach here to another level, especially in training.
- So, what kind of advantages or positive sides you can see here in Turkmenistan for your company?
- We have been working for over 25 years with so many companies and so many different people and we really got that international experience and within lived there within lived we just cross, we got an expert form Turkmenistan to got that both senses, like international sense and also Turkmenistan sense. So, we feel like with the material we have for which we paid thousands and thousands of dollars for it. We got our materials, we have just recently made an order from the government and it’s the best material in the world for training for all different courses, whether it's technical, oil and gas or whether it's non-technical. We want to show the world this courses.