Seismic Stratigraphy


Geophysicists, geologists or anyone interested in understanding of the principles of seismic stratigraphy and ifs applications.


The course aims to create and then develop an understanding of the role of one of the most effective tools in both exploration and development phases. It provides hands on training on the concept and applications of seismic stratigraphy. Participant will develop an appreciation for the integration of logs and core data with the seismic to be able to describe the basin geometry and development as well as the reservoir geometry and properties.


  • Introduction
  • Geophysical fundamentals
  • Definition and analysis of sequences
  • Lithostratigraphic / chronostratigraphic correlation
  • Eustacy
  • Seismic facies analysis
  • Reservoir geometry definition by seismic
  • High- and low- stand systems
  • Structural definition by seismic
  • Basin analysis from seismic
  • Trap definition by seismic